Anninger Schutzhaus circular route

Hiking route from Station Gumpoldskirchen

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Elevation profile

9,55 km length

Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 9,55 km
  • Ascent: 428 egm
  • Descent: 427 egm
  • Duration: 3:30 h
  • Lowest point: 219 m
  • Highest point:647 m
  • Round tour
  • Nice views
  • With refreshment stops
  • Accessibility by train and bus

Details for: Anninger Schutzhaus circular route

Brief description

A very special hike through the special cultural landscape in and around Gumpoldskirchen. 


TIP: Several of the vineyards in this diverse wine-making area are sustainably harvested and produce the region's best wines, which have won awards at the annual wine competition which takes place in the BPWW.

The whole route is suitable for families, but it is not suitable for baby carriages. At the beginning of the route it goes steeply uphill, at the end it is quite steep downhill.

Starting point of the tour

Station Gumpoldskirchen

Destination point of the tour

Station Gumpoldskirchen

Route description Anninger Schutzhaus circular route

We will start at the railway station in Gumpoldskirchen, and head north-west along Wiener Strasse until we reach Kirchengasse. At St Michael's Church, we will turn left and continue down Beethovenwanderweg to Marterl.  We will then turn right and hike uphill. At the intersection, we will join the pave road (red & green routes), before turning left and continuing uphill towards the Veigl-Hütte inn and the Anninger Schutzhaus hut. We will hike to the Anninger Schutzhaus. From there, we will head south along the red route towards the Proksch-Hütte inn, and then along the red/blue/green route to Wetterkreuz and Gumpoldskirchen. In Wetterkreuz, we will keep left (heading south-east) towards Gumpoldskirchen (red route). At the Marientafel shrine, we will turn right and go downhill, into the forest. At the foot of the hill, we will turn left and walk to the Veigl-Hütte inn. From there, we will join the Beethovenwanderweg and head to Gumpoldskirchen. At the tree with red and yellow signs on it, we will bear right and take the narrow path downhill to the paved road and continue towards St Michael's Church. From there, we will bear right and go back to the railway station.


P+R Gumpoldskirchen

Arrival with public transport

By the bus to the stop "Bahnhof Gumpoldskirchen"

More info/links

Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt dieser Tour
Letzte Aktualisierung: 14.05.2024

Wienerwald Tourismus GmbH
Hauptpaltz 11, 3002 Purkersdorf
Tel.: 02231/62176


sturdy shoes, water, rain protection

Safety information

Trotz sorgfältigster Recherche kann es bei den Strecken zu unvorhergesehenen kurz-, mittel- oder gar längerfristigen Sperren (z.B. wegen forstlicher Sperrgebiete durch Grundbesitzer) kommen. Von uns empfohlene Parkmöglichkeiten können teils privat oder gebührenpflichtig sein – bitte auf die Beschilderung vor Ort achten. Manche Wege können abschnittsweise oder zur Gänze durch gebührenpflichtige Betriebe/Gebiete führen (z.B. Naturparke oder Klammen). Darauf wird aber in der Regel explizit in der Beschreibung hingewiesen. Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr und die Benützung der Wege erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Etwaige Wegesperren sowie Hinweise von Jagd- und Grundbesitzer sind zu beachten.

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