Actors and directors

Ferdinand Raimund, Johann Nestroy, Katharina Schratt and Max Reinhardt spent several years in the Wienerwald.

Ferdinand Raimund (1790-1836) and Johann Nestroy (1801-1862)

While Nestroy lampooned the petty bourgeoisie, Raimund performed "magical" folk plays. Just like Nestroy, Ferdinand Raimund was also a regular guest in the Vienna Woods.

Katharina Schratt (1853-1940)

The "Gnädige Frau" (madam), as Emperor Francis Joseph respectfully named his partner in his last decades, was a daughter of Baden and lived in Purkersdorf for many years. She was celebrated and honoured as a folk actress.

Max Reinhardt (1873-1943)

The director, head of international stages and founder of the Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna, the world-famous drama school, was born in Baden in 1873. In 1920, he established the Salzburg Festival in collaboration with writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal, composer Richard Strauss, dem stage designer Alfred Roller and Vienna Court Opera director Franz Schalk.